Until the mid-nineties, advertising agencies, under the title of “Full Service”, use to create ideas in every field of communication and accordingly provide their services. After the acquisition made by international firms, the way Turkish agencies operate has changed and their communication discipline has divided. You could no longer expect to receive a service from your agency in every field of communication. Agencies appeared offering services to customers under every heading such as above-the-line, below-the-line, direct marketing communication, event management and public relations.
Consequently, the customers receiving services in the field of communication have been confused. In reality, even agencies have become confused. Those agencies working for the same customer but positioned at opposite angles have started to offer their ideas in communication.
Communication is a comprehensive concept. We would not analyze how we reach the perception that appears on our mind for a brand. We would just think about it. Whatever comes to our mind would be the correct one. Perception is a residue left behind from all the communication concepts that we have been exposed to. In such a case, those communication activities that do not support each other would miss out on the synergy. In fact they could be obstacle to each other.
Communication theoreticians have realised this problem and came up with the solution in 360 degrees communication management. However there was still a problem. Who would unite the agencies in the targeted perception? Advertising agencies? Public Relations agencies? Customers who own the brand? Many disciplines that are within the same communication group acted without being aware of each other’s activities.
The solution is; an echo system that contains different disciplines that work in cohesion with the brand in mind. Agencies working in this echo system actually work like a department. It is an echo system that understands the customer’s business targets, constitute the communication strategy and implement it.